State of the Union

Kinja'd!!! "Rusty Vandura -" (rustyvandura)
01/31/2018 at 10:58 • Filed to: None

Kinja'd!!!6 Kinja'd!!! 26


Kinja'd!!! random001 > Rusty Vandura -
01/31/2018 at 11:00


State of the Something-We-Used-To-Call-The-Union?

Kinja'd!!! Steve is equipped with Electronic Fool Injection > Rusty Vandura -
01/31/2018 at 11:07


It’s Uniom now.


Kinja'd!!! Sam > Rusty Vandura -
01/31/2018 at 11:10


He’s gotten good at reading a pre-written speech. Credit where it’s due, and such.

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > Rusty Vandura -
01/31/2018 at 11:11


Basically if you are brown and speak Spanish, you are 100% in a gang and out to kill the children of veterans and police first, then you!

As a person of Mexico living in the US.... yes, it is totally true my fellow awesome lads :P

Trump, you have uncovered our plot for US takeover. I’m actually hanging out with my murderous gang right now at IHOP chowing down some delish never ending pancakes promo.

Nothing can stop us muah ha ha haa.... well, except a 20 billion dollar wall :’(

Oh Trump you genius, that is our only weakness :(

Ok plan number 2 to kill American citizens, ready? It’s food. Yes, we will open up a fast food bacon cheeseburger joint and will literally kill hundreds of thousands of American every year!

Ah shit, that exists already :’(

Ok well, we’ll think of something later after work building your roads, homes, buildings. Taking care of your kids and making your food from crops to Olive Garden. All sorts of work from cleaning offices to running them paying chingos of taxes and being the new backbone.

Good thing becoming a legal resident or citizen is suuuuper easy, quick and totally inexpensive....




.... Jesú Cristo, se pasan de verga está gente guey

Kinja'd!!! DayManFighterOfTheNightMan > Rusty Vandura -
01/31/2018 at 11:24


What? You don’t like the return of “Very Beautiful,Very Clean Coal TM ” and the end of the “War on Energy”? How Un-American!

Kinja'd!!! Monkey B > Rusty Vandura -
01/31/2018 at 11:26


I can’t even stomach attempting to listen to it.

Kinja'd!!! DipodomysDeserti > EL_ULY
01/31/2018 at 11:32



Not my drawing:

Kinja'd!!! ZHP Sparky, the 5th > Rusty Vandura -
01/31/2018 at 12:29


I can’t stand this “chain migration” catch phrase (and the implications behind it) that the administration keeps pushing. The fear mongering story they’ve developed frankly is not based in reality. I’m a legal immigrant who has been living in this country for 15 years now and have not, and have not been able to, brought over a single other person although those stupid NumbersUSA graphics would make you believe that half my “village” from back home lives in the US now. Even after receiving a green card it takes ~5 years to receive citizenship. At that point you are able to petition to have your siblings or parents for green card sponsorship. But there are annual caps on how many applications are approved. For many countries they are TODAY clearing out petitions filed 15 years ago. Rinse and repeat for each person creating a “chain”.

This proposal to limit sponsorship to only spouses and underaged children would be a huge change. With a “merit based” system firstly it would make moving to the US far less appealing for qualified immigrants. Secondly for those of us who are already here – now this would mean that as my parents get older and are no longer able to care for themselves I’ll have to make the tough choice of letting them figure shit out, or for my family to be uprooted to be closer to them. How is that beneficial to the US? My wife is a native born American, we are having a child here. This is our home. Peoples’ realities are far more complicated than this simplistic bullshit the administration is peddling.

They and their supporters keep saying they support legal immigration, it’s all those illegals they hate. All the while making extremely clear just how much they really hate us too, in doing everything they can to make the experience hell and more restrictive for us. Family members following other family members to the US is a huge part of how this country was founded. I agree that times have changed and there needs to be more order to the process – but that doesn’t mean we need to make harsh blanket rules that fuck over decent people. I really want this whole DACA fiasco to get sorted out in a way that doesn’t rip apart the lives of innocent people who had nothing to do with, or any knowledge of, a crime that was committed. However I’m also really weary of the long-term price the immigrant community is going to have to pay as a result (in addition to throwing good money at a really stupid wall).

Suggested reading -

Kinja'd!!! HFV has no HFV. But somehow has 2 motorcycles > random001
01/31/2018 at 12:30


Now your just the UNion that I used To know.

Kinja'd!!! Rusty Vandura - > Steve is equipped with Electronic Fool Injection
01/31/2018 at 12:41



Kinja'd!!! random001 > HFV has no HFV. But somehow has 2 motorcycles
01/31/2018 at 12:42



Kinja'd!!! Rusty Vandura - > Sam
01/31/2018 at 12:45


The bar is so low... Limbo...

Kinja'd!!! RallyWrench > EL_ULY
01/31/2018 at 12:46


I like pancakes, I can into gang?

Kinja'd!!! Rusty Vandura - > EL_ULY
01/31/2018 at 12:50


En cambio, cuéntanos cómo te sientes en realidad.

Ok plan number 2 to kill American citizens, ready? It’s food. Yes, we will open up a fast food bacon cheeseburger joint and will literally kill hundreds of thousands of American every year!

The liberal fake news media says 45 eats Big Macs every day because he’s afraid of being poisoned; is this your homies’ nefarious already plan at work?

Jesú Cristo, se pasan de verga está gente guey

Google Translate can’t handle this, other than the name of the Savior. What are you saying?

Kinja'd!!! Rusty Vandura - > Monkey B
01/31/2018 at 12:56


If a human being were a dry heave...

Kinja'd!!! Rusty Vandura - > ZHP Sparky, the 5th
01/31/2018 at 12:59


Thank you for the real talk.

Kinja'd!!! Rusty Vandura - > DayManFighterOfTheNightMan
01/31/2018 at 13:00


I am definitely Un-American. No way around it.

Kinja'd!!! MontegoMan562 is a Capri RS Owner > Monkey B
01/31/2018 at 15:07


I made it 10 minutes and turned it off.

this was my impression(for the record no matter the president or party these are all the same): clap, clap, president pat’s self on back, half of room claps, other half pouts, repeat until they run out of time.

Kinja'd!!! Monkey B > MontegoMan562 is a Capri RS Owner
01/31/2018 at 15:27


except this one was the worst of all because of the mouthbreather in charge. I don’t hate him because of his affiliation. I hate him because he’s fucking awful in every conceivable way...and always has been.

Idiocracy is not supposed to be a true story.

Kinja'd!!! MontegoMan562 is a Capri RS Owner > Monkey B
01/31/2018 at 17:21


I agree with you 100%. I normally make it at least 20-30 minutes lol

Kinja'd!!! merged-5876237249235911857-hrw8uc > ZHP Sparky, the 5th
01/31/2018 at 17:53


I’m with you. I married a naturalized citizen and now we have 3, almost 4 little ones. My wife’s immediate family is here, so that’s a good thing, but I can’t understand the hate that has been spewed from people. As if any or us weren’t immigrants at some point in our past.

The different cultures are what truly make this country great. But good luck convincing Jim bob and 45 of that fact. The worst is hearing similar BS being spouted from my in laws, who are also naturalized citizens... sheesh. I just don’t get the hate. Good luck with your folks. Hopefully you don’t have to make the tough choice.

Kinja'd!!! ZHP Sparky, the 5th > merged-5876237249235911857-hrw8uc
01/31/2018 at 18:12


Obviously I’m yet to go through the process and I’m thinking many years ahead but from what I know there are tests to ensure the family is able to support the family member financially and these filings can be used in court against you. Thankfully my parents are well off and have good global insurance coverage for as long as they’re alive – but in any case from what I’ve read the level of “welfare” usage amongst immigrant dependents is lower than the native born population. Even there I get it – impose a limit saying they need to go through 10+ years as a permanent resident to be eligible for citizenship or any public benefits, but it is so infuriatingly clear that these are all just excuses to stop immigrants from coming in. If they actually wanted to prevent some of these “problems” they’re pointing out there are a million ways to do it without just shutting it all down.

Thankfully my in-laws for the most part are very liberal. There are some extended members and family by marriage who quietly support this administration though – meanwhile absolutely loving me and my parents (oh you see, we’re the good immigrants! And we speak perfect English and even have Christian backgrounds, thanks colonists! – as if that should matter). Never mind this shit they’re supporting will absolutely harm our family if passed, but they’re not thinking that far ahead…they just have some welfare mooching drunkard in their mind that they want to keep away.

My parents have absolutely no desire to live in the US. They love their home and their post retirement life travelling around. But a day will come when they aren’t able bodied enough to take care of themselves, or one of them is no longer around and the other would be all alone. Will be a pretty shitty time figuring that out if this administration gets its way.

Kinja'd!!! gmporschenut also a fan of hondas > EL_ULY
01/31/2018 at 20:18


will there be a taco truck on every corner?

God my stomach is ready...waistline not so much.

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > gmporschenut also a fan of hondas
01/31/2018 at 20:49


Probably not. Hipsters took it from us already


Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > Rusty Vandura -
01/31/2018 at 20:51


Lol yup #CancerCellLivesMatter

Oh man, I have no clue how to translate that either lol

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > RallyWrench
01/31/2018 at 20:52


Initiation to the gang is high in calories, but yes :]